Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mmmm, see that? That's delicious guacamole, chipotle mayo and pepperjack cheese conglomerated between two buns and a medium-well patty. It's called The Freethrow and it's just one of many specialty burgers that you can find at the new Stadium Bar & Grill in Columbia, MO. They have an extensive, and rather exhausting, list of different, imaginative burgers. You can also order your burger in amounts of a 1/3 lb, 1/2lb or 1lb. Burgers range from your traditional bacon and cheddar to burgers topped with chili and a fried egg. I requested jalepenos to accompany my burger and GUESS WHAT?! they're freshly chopped to ensure extra spiciness. I dug in with vigor. My burger buddies did too.
I ordered the 1/3lb burger with fries and a Long Island Iced Tea (shout-out to Bar Buddy Jordan!). I was stuffed. I know what you're thinking, that's it?! Burger Brittany's a wuss! And perhaps I was that fateful night, but friends, that meal did me in. I had to go home and lie down while my buddies continued their festivities.You can clearly see I attacked this burger with the ferocity of drunken cat fight, but in the end, the burger beat Brittany. I waved my white flag as a food comatose paralyzed my mind and body. Truly, I could no have been beaten by a more worthy opponent. Burger lovers, I command you to get your burger butts to this restaurant STAT!
My rating is out of ten now, FYI and I give it 10/10!

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