Dick's- the burger place.. you sick-o.
On my winter break, I ventured to the Pacific Northwest where Christmas trees litter each block and exhibitionists find a place to fit in. I went to visit my burger boy-toy, Christopher, who lives only a couple blocks from the well-known (to Capitol Hill, at least) Dick's Burgers. He even got me an orange Dick's t-shirt!
Dick's is a fast food, walk up and order type place. They have one table/steel counter where you can stand and eat, or you can just take it home. You can't go indoors. This seems strange in a place that gets about the most rain in the nation, but if there's one thing I've learned about Seattle, it's that they don't give a flying french
fry about rain. At Dick's you have to just go up and order. Don't be picky or take too long, since there's probably a line behind. The menu is short, the basic burger, fries and shakes. Their standard burger just comes with ketchup and mustard already on it, which wasn't a problem because they hardly put any on. The problem/annoyance was having to buy extra ketchup or sauce because they charge 5 cents each. A petty thing to charge, in my opinion. The burgers were good. One time, we took them back to boy-toy's apartment and fried an egg to put on top. Delicious! I was not, however, a fan of their fries. Mostly soggy, but boy-toy likes them a lot, so you be the judge. At Dick's, you get what you pay for and it's easy when you want something quick. Just watch out for the burger beggars!
Thank you, Burger Buddy Casagrand... 7/10 sesame seeds!